Hello :)
& Welcome to No.1 Haute Couture Excellent School.

Sunday, 28 February 2010


My top is from New Look, my neck lace is a white cat, my jeggings are from H&M so is my jacket.

I luurrrrvvvvveeee my jacket it was £13 or something.
I really like my jacket because it is like a leather jacket made from denim.

I am being lazy today. So lazy that i am wearing pink leggings and and a giant green t-shirt (my dads old top) that says FARTYRTY.It looks like arty but when you look at it properly it says Farty.
Nice one Dad :/

Sunday, 21 February 2010

This is my dress from Jigsaw. It is casual and comfortable. My shoes are red high rise converse.My headband is from New Look.

Saturday, 20 February 2010

Brits 2010

Lady GaGa at the Brits. Loving the lace eyelashes by the way Gaga !
Florence from Florence + The Machine rocks Zuhair Murad Spring 2010 Couture mini dress. She sported several outfits throughout but i love this dress. This is only a two of the outfits i like.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Kimono's + Tinfoil

I know... but you have to understand. It is hard to take photos with tinfoil glasses on.
My Dad bought me the kimono from Japan and my purple belt is from primark. The pictures are a very wonky because my tripod refused to cooperate that day. Anyway you get the idea of my look. Bye Bye x

Thursday, 11 February 2010

R.I.P The Fashion Legend


"international fashion LEGEND designer Alexander McQueen, who was 40 years old,  was found dead today in his London Home just three weeks after McQueen's mother died.   Officially, the cause of death has not been released, but it is believed to be suicide.
Sky News, the UK media organization, is reporting that Alexander McQueen was found hanged in his apartment.  Sky news alos is reporting that local police have said the death of Alexander McQueen was not suspicious leading to the belief that the death of Alexander McQueen was suicide.
Alexander McQueen was a designer who famously made and desinged outfits for Prince Charles, Lady Gaga, and Rihanna."

Here are some of my favourite Alexander McQueen things :

Tuesday, 9 February 2010


I'm wearing my too-big Chloe jumper which i found in TKmax.
My white leggings are from Primark and my backdrop is my Dad's office-y area.
I guess i put this together  randomly.
I'm going to put more photos on next week because I have been really busy with school tests and stuff. Uh-Oh... Parents Evening Tomorrow. Hopefully i will not be cursed with bad report card :(
 Will blog again soon...
Possibly after a cruel Parent's Evening and a even crueler report card and then to top it all off double PE !!!! HELP ME PLEASE !!!

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Looveee Fashion x

My Nike High Tops which I bought on Holiday

My leggings are from H&M

My acid-wash vest is from
NewLook.com In the teens section.

Wow my hair is really bad in this photo.                          


It Is Finally February !!!
January is over and now the February edition of Vogue is out !  l love Vogue ... Well, particularly French Vouge