Hello :)
& Welcome to No.1 Haute Couture Excellent School.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Feeling rather suicidal...

Jedward (John & Edward from x-factor) have covered 'Teenage Kicks'-The Undertones...
 It's a really horrible cover & they make it sound like electric-pop 'poo'. Hey, why don't you have listen :D ?!

Now listen to the original.

Umm, not trying to hurt John nor Edward's feelings but uh, the Undertones version was so much better...

But to be honest your lipstick song is amazing (!) check it out :D (!)

Saturday, 30 July 2011


So today I went to London(Oxford St. to be precise) and went to this absolutely wonderful haberdashery. 3 floors of haberdashering-y goodness... Anyway, they were selling these sort of fascinator hats(minus the decorations), it was just the base of a fascinator hat. So i bought a plain black one and some mesh netting in pink and another black. I also have these feathers my dad brought back from Japan so i was going to add some feathers and other bits to it & create my own little fascinator hat - will blog again tomorrow with something interesting.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Hello again-beauty's...

Hello-sorry i have been gone so long...

but you see i am working on a summer project- a secret summer project, so...shhhh.

But while i am here (having teared myself away from...'work', i would like to say:

Have a weeensy peek at my tumblr...


will blog again soon, HONEST!

love you guys(the very few who even bother to look at this) xxxxx

Sunday, 3 July 2011

What i wore yesterday.

SHOES:hong kong
DRESS:miss selfridge £10